English of Urmia.ac.ir

Research Institute of Social Studies

Research Institute of Social Studies

Accurate and comprehensive policy making and planning to achieve sustainable development requires accurate scientific analyzes and explanations of its social, economic and cultural status. This requires understanding and statistics of social, economic and cultural needs and issues with regard to local and regional characteristics and potentials, including lifestyles, economic structure and livelihood, religious, ethnic, geographical, racial differences, problems and injuries. social and... province and region. Regardless of the social realities of the local community and not having enough information or non-scientific analysis, it leads to superficiality in decision-making and decision-making and makes the effectiveness of policy making and planning difficult. One of the difficulties that social policy is facing is the lack of a database and detailed scientific research on these potentials, activities, needs and issues and social and cultural harms of the province and region.


Contact Us

Iran, Urmia city, 11km SERO Road

Tel: 044-32752741-43

Postal code: 5756151818

Post box: 165

Email: info@urmia.ac.ir